Electronics & Communication Engineering

In the year 2002, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering became an independent department at MIMIT,Malout with an objective to address the growing requirements in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. It has grown over the years in many directions and is currently recognized as a premier Teaching department. The department of ECE is having various labs viz. Digital Electronics, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, DSP, VLSI etc. The Digital Signal Processing lab and VLSI lab has latest MATLAB software and department has also worked on MODROB projects sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. The Department has its own computer lab with 30 latest Dual 2 Core system.


To develop department as a centre of academic eminence for development of entrepreneurship skills and employment ability in addition to professional ethics.


  • To provide high quality education in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering by enriching practical skills.
  • To impart personality development skill in students to get adapt in industrial environment.
  • To encourage students for excellence industrial training and workshops by interaction with good leading corporate world.
  • Development of department by fetching different grants from various govt. agencies.

The Courses in B.Tech ECE are Network Analysis and Synthesis, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics, Linear Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Analog Communication Systems, Linear Integrated Circuits, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication System, Wireless Communication, VLSI Design & Embedded Systems, Satellite Communication, Optical Fiber Communication, Environmental Sciences and Microwave & its Applications.



  • Batch-2021- Er.Mukesh Goyal
  • Batch-2022- Er. Ravinder Singh
  • Batch-2023- Dr. Navjot Singh
  • ATPO : Er.Mukesh Goyal
  • Engineers Day Celebration
  • Industrial Visits
  • Expert lectures
  • GK/Aptitude Tests
  • Design Mania

Electronic & Communication labs are listed below. These labs are equipped with the latest state of the art equipment’s so as to train the students in both the software & hardware aspects of Engineering in the Discipline.

After Completion of B.Tech (ECE ), one can design hardware systems and enrich with the quality of integrating hardware and software components. Moreover, he can avail opportunity in the different electronics industry such as telecommunication and automation.

Faculty of ECE Department

Dr. Bharat Naresh Bansal

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D
Email: bharat.mimit@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9872213165

Dr. Deepika Jain

Designation: Assistant Professor and Coordinator ECE Dept.
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D
Email: jain.deepika2010@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-7837130510

Dr. Navjot Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D
Email: navjotmimit@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9779701002

Er. Ravinder Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech (ECE)
Email: ravinder.bnl@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9888191562

Er. Surinder Kumar

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech (ECE)
Email: skmimit@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9855337731

Er. Mukesh Goyal

Designation: Lecturer
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech (ECE)
Email: goel.mukesh2000@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-8146194800

Er. Raghbir Singh

Designation: Lecturer Desig.: Lab Supdt.
Qualification: Diploma
Email: raghbir_mimit@rediffmail.com
Contact No: +91-8146833277

Er. Rupinderjeet Singh

Designation: Lab Technician
Qualification: Diploma
Email: mimitece98@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9855422277

Er. Gurwinder Singh

Designation: Lab Technician
Qualification: Diploma
Email: gurimks@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9914801637

Ms. Baljeet Virdi

Designation: Clerk
Qualification: M.A, MCA, MSc IT, PGDCA, B.Ed
Email: virdimimit@gmail.com
Contact No: +91-9465339808